Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What they think they can get away with...

OK, so we've all tried to plagiarize at one point in our lives. But we were at least smart about it, right?

The internet has become the bane of teachers' existence. It's so easy for a kid these days to Google any topic they wish and get a wealth of information at their fingertips. Some students' idea of research is cutting and pasting it all together!

I caught a student plagiarizing word-for-word an essay that had been posted on the internet. I confronted said student and asked him if there was anything that he wanted to tell me about his essay. "Umm, no," was the response. So I tried again, "Are you sure?". "Yep," was the reply. By now most kids would have the sense to come up with some "I-was-so-busy-and-had-a-million-other-projects-I'm-so-sorry-It'll-never-happen-again!" kind of excuse/plea.

Not this kid.

I got, "Well my parents helped me out a little with it." So I asked, "Really, is your father Dr. ____ from ____ University? No? OK, wanna try again?"

Still, denial. We went back and forth a bit until he finally admitted that he *might* have used someone else's work.

Are you kidding me?

Do they think I am an idiot?

Seriously, if they can find it on the internet what makes them think that I can't??


At 3:32 a.m., Blogger doctor T said...

Ugh. They think anyone over 25 is computer stupid. Stick it to 'em -- that's one less student I'll have to get kicked out of university.

At 1:42 a.m., Blogger ScienceGeek said...

Ya what doctor t said. Plagiarizing pisses me off. Probably mostly because I had someone plagiarize my stuff once. I always thought I'd feel somewhat flattered in a weird way but instead I was quite angry. I put my hard work into something that someone then took two seconds to cut and paste. That person was suspended from university for 8 months by the way and has a permanent mark on their academic record. Something to scare your students with.


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