reasons why I love teaching 18 year olds...
OK, that's supposed to be sarcastic!
I love watching the Olympics. I think it's great watching the world come together in the name of good, clean competition. ( Don't worry, I know it's not all like that) This gives us a chance to watch so many different sports that we would never really get a chance to watch. Speed skating (especially short track) Luge, Snowboard X, Biathalon, etc. all fun and exciting sports to watch.
So, this week I had 4 students come in late to class because they were at home watching the Olympics. OK, I thought, since I love the Olympics so much, I guess I can't be too mad at them. So I ask them which events they saw. Can you guess? Yep, HOCKEY! (see earler rant) They stayed home to watch the very first Team Canada game! Like they can't see these overpaid millionaires every other night on TSN!
Where does the age of 18 fit in? Well, since they are 18, they stood in front of my desk and each wrote their own note excusing themselves from class! Not a thing I could do. I should've planned a test for that day...maybe I will for the finals!